31 Dec 2011

2011, we made it.

Have to say really thanks to all of my friends from the bottom of my heart for helping and being with me this year. Although it has been lots of difficult situation in my country particularly in hugest disaster and also in the world, I spent great days.

2011, we made it.

Happy New Year Everyone.


The End of 2011

更新頻度をもっと高くしようとずっと思っているんだけれども、いっつも更新するのを忘れたまま、もう2011年も大晦日。2011年は、今まで生きてきた人生の中で一番と言って良いほど世の中の出来事が急激に動いていた上、個人的にも忙しい生活だったから、なんかあっという間に1年が終わってしまった感じ。誰もが言ってることかもしれないけれど、もちろん3.11の震災によって日本の中では色んなことが変わったし、たぶんアイデンティティとか考え方みたいなものが変わる大きな瞬間(今は分からなくても長く見た時に)だとは思うのだけれども、それ以外にも自分の周りでは、1月のArab Springから始まり、3.11を経て、夏のLondon Riot、そして3大独裁者の死だったり、Steve Jobsが亡くなったとかもあったし、一気に書ききれないくらい色々あったな、と。なんかやっぱり文才がないし、まとまりきらないから、写真でも貼ってタイムラインを追ってこうと思う。



Arab Spring

Student Protest

Royal Wedding

UEFA Champions League Final at Wembley


London Riot


30 Mar 2011

New Decade

Long time no update....




"utilise existing elements and create elements that do not exist" Soichiro Fukutake

Please Donate to Japan Disaster Relief

on 11th of March 2011, the 5th biggest earthquake in the world (magnitude 9.0) attacked
the pacific coastside of Japan and affected more than 10,000 citizens.

It is assumed more than 10,000 people will die because of this earthquake.

We, Pray for Japan decided to donate for the shelterbox

in order to provide a shelterbox to offer an emergency relief for the refugees.

The shelterbox contains;

We need 590 pounds to send a shelterbox to the victim area.

We believe that the most needed aid at the refugee point is not a fund, but a emergency relief brought by shelter, food, medicine, water,,,

Thus, we would like to donate to ShelterBox and provide a shelterbox to the refugees of this earthquake.

We would like to provide it as much as we can. Hence, We need your help.
Please, give your warm attention and donation to this project!


What happened in Japan is not just a disaster that occurred somewhere in the world.

THIS is what exactly happened to your friend, and their family.

I know some friend that still cannot reach to their family.
I know one friend that cannot reach to her friend.

If you would kindly care about your neighbours, will you please help us raising
a donation to send a shelterbox as much as we can?
